EDITOR’S NOTE: This is part 2 of 2 in a series of a candidate questionnaire for Democratic and Republican candidates running in the Aug. 7 primary election for the Michigan 101st District House of Representatives. Part 2 includes responses from the candidates on the Republican ticket. Part 1, Democrat responses, was published in Friday’s edition.
MANISTEE COUNTY — In the Aug. 7 primary election, voters will decide which Democratic and which Republican candidate will represent the party in the general election on Nov. 6 for Michigan 101st District House of Representatives.
On the Democratic ticket, Edward Hoogterp, of Beulah, will face off against Kathy Wiejaczka, of Empire, and Republicans Carolyn Cater, of Ludington, and Jack O’Malley, of Lake Ann, will vie for the spot.
The Manistee News Advocate sent questionnaires to all candidates. Responses are only edited if they exceed the word limit.
MNA: Please introduce yourself and describe your background, professionally, politically or personally (100 words).
CATER: Michiganders need Younger, Stronger, Grassroots Leadership for Michigan. We need to start right now if we are to break free from the co-fraternity boys club controlling Lansing. I’m the only woman on the ship with men. Do you think that I have the cojones to stand up to Lansing, when I’m the only woman on the ship with a bunch of old guys? I’m a seafarer. That’s my background. That’s who I am. And I’m taking the high seas to Lansing. It’s time to Baptize the Swamp… Thank you for your vote.
O’MALLEY: I have been in broadcasting for almost 40 years. 34 of those at WTCM 103.5 and TV 9&10 here in Northern Michigan. Over those decades I have listened to the people of the 101st. I know who they are and what concerns them. I have never run for office before and only recently decided that I wanted to continue to serve and do what is right by the people of the region by going to Lansing. Common Sense and good communication skills will lead my efforts.
MNA: What are your top three legislative priorities and how would you address them? (200 words)

CATER: 1.) Cut your car insurance in half… 2.) Get rid of the state income taxes and your pension tax… 3.) Lower your electric bill.
Bottom line is I’m not going to take money from special interest and lobbyists in Lansing that’s going to change how I represent my 101st District. When you elect me your car insurance will get cut in half. When you elect me you will not be charged anymore state income tax, you won’t even have to file a state income tax return. You’re an hourly employee? You’ll be getting a 4.25{0b7da518931e2dc7f5435818fa9adcc81ac764ac1dff918ce2cdfc05099e9974} pay raise in your check every Friday. You’ll have 4.25{0b7da518931e2dc7f5435818fa9adcc81ac764ac1dff918ce2cdfc05099e9974} back in your pocket that you can spend on your family. Seniors won’t have to worry about paying income tax on their pensions. And on top of that your electric bill is going down and so is the cost of manufacturing because we’ll get more companies to come here and we will be competitive against Ohio and Indiana.
Patrick Colbeck has a plan to lower auto insurance and keep your good coverage, and I like it. There is $9 Billion of taxpayer waste in the $57 Billion budget.
O’MALLEY: I entered this race saying I come with no personal agenda, if I had an agenda it was common sense solutions to our everyday issues. I would say that is still my driving force, but since knocking doors and talking to the people of the 101st, I’ve heard from the people that good jobs, better schools and training for the trades along with roads and no-fault insurance reforms are tops on their lists. Along with this comes housing issues and diminishing child care due in large part to excessive regulations. I’m looking forward to leading the way!
MNA: What policies do you support to increase jobs and help Michigan residents improve their economic positions? (200 words)
CATER: Lowering the cost of living for you and the cost of doing business for companies is my platform. Bottom line: If we had 14 million people living in Michigan like all the other states around the country right now, instead of teetering back and forth between 9 and 10 million, we would have plenty jobs, affordable housing, and competitive labor.
You elect me, I will go down and get on the insurance committee, and make sure that we get rid of no-fault and hold the insurance companies accountable for their MCCA Fund; Boom, we cut car insurance in half. It’s not rocket science. Even though a rocket scientist is helping to create this plan. (It’s no secret that I support Patrick Colbeck for Governor and Principled Solutions.)
If we get cheaper car insurance…instead of paying $2,000 a year, how about $1,000 per year? Do you think that would help the Working Poor? If you’re making $50,000 a year and you’re paying 4.25{0b7da518931e2dc7f5435818fa9adcc81ac764ac1dff918ce2cdfc05099e9974} income tax, then you’re paying $2,000 per year in state income tax. I can get car insurance cut in half, get rid of the state income tax, and while voting for me, I just put $3,000 in your pocket.
O’MALLEY: There is a misconception that Government can create jobs. Jobs are created in the private sector. Government needs to make

sure that the infrastructure is in place to attract new business and help current business expand. We cannot forget the employers already in place. If we have good schools for families, a trained work force and a region that is attractive to relocate to…you will succeed. At the State level we need to work to help the local Governments make these things happen. Looking to get broadband to rural areas like Northern Michigan is a huge piece of this as well. I will work with the local Governments to represent them and coordinate planning through the district.
MNA: What steps do you propose Michigan take to improve educational outcomes and accessibility for students from early childhood through post-secondary education? (200 words)
CATER: Here’s what Michiganders need: School Choice. Consumerism can bring down prices and build a better product. It’s the same with education. We will procure better schools, efficiency, and better teachers, and better pay for teachers. Teach real academics, real history, then we won’t need safe rooms and 70{0b7da518931e2dc7f5435818fa9adcc81ac764ac1dff918ce2cdfc05099e9974} of high schoolers graduating won’t come out communists. It’s time to get some smart legislatures that will actually end Common Core dumbing down the youth. And a legislature that is willing to repeal the Blaine Amendment. It’s time to bring trades and vocational classes to the high schools and local community colleges that have dwindled over the years. It just takes a little courage folks… It takes parents to want it bad enough for their children’s future. Vote #August7thPrimary
O’MALLEY: I mentioned earlier the Child Care issue in the area. If a family can’t afford day care or that single mom has to choose between working and crazy expensive day care or staying home and being on assistance that is not good. We need to reduce the regulations when it comes to that. Our public school funding is interesting. Prop A of 20+ years ago might need to be re-thought. Things are different from when I was a kid…early childhood preparations are huge. We need to get our 3rd grade reading skills up. We finally seemed to have had the pendulum swing and are back to understanding college is not for everyone, getting the trades back into the mix is very important. Those years newborn to 5 years old are critical. As a society we need to make sure our children are getting the attention they need in those years.
MNA: What actions or policies do you support to protect Michigan’s water, air and land for current and future generations, while meeting the state’s energy needs? (200 words)
CATER: First of all, I will force the DEQ to undo that license with Nestle to suck water from our underground aquifers. I know it’s a business and I’m a Republican and I’m pro-business, but that deal sucks. That deal that they got from the DEQ sucks. And it sucks water. They can go suck the spring water out of somewhere else.
“Let the market decide” works. State mandates do not. Solar energy and military grade nickel-cadmium batteries have made breakthroughs in technology. Even a casino calculated that it was worth paying the state utilities a $90 million settlement to go off grid.
The Great Lakes touches five different states and another country, which is above my pay grade… there’s not a whole lot that I can do at the state level. I’m running to be a State Representative, not a Congresswoman… Not yet.
(Being that we are sitting on the largest body of freshwater in the world, I would like to see future stranded nuclear assets to be addressed though…)
O’MALLEY: There of course is a move to renewable energy’s as our times and technology advance. This is evident in the major suppliers moving to this end. I do firmly believe that a common-sense approach to the environment is important. Protecting the air, land and water is not exclusive to those who espouse the message. Economic growth and environmental concerns are not exclusive. No one wants to soil their nest. Reasonable regulations that do not damage the economy, but support and encourage growth and care for the environment are good. So, everything needs to be talked through and not be dictated by the loudest voice in the room.
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