

I’m a 13-year old Boy Scout from Troop 117 in Shingle Springs. I am currently working toward the completion of the communication merit badge and the rank of Eagle Scout. I wanted to ask you a few questions about the state of California’s energy grid and why we are not taking advantage of solar power on a larger scale.

We obviously have a lot of sun in California. Reducing pollution is a big priority for our state. Using more renewable energy and less fossil fuel is key to help lower our carbon footprint so our planet can survive for us all. Why are we not building large solar farms all over the desert and non-populated areas of California or even Nevada?

My next question is why we are not offering truly free solar to the residents of California? You know those Verizon or AT&T commercials advertising you can get a free phone? Why can’t we do that with solar? The energy bills are getting more expensive and don’t show any sign of stopping. My parents tell me their PG&E bill goes up 5 to 8 percent every year with the same amount of power usage. People who would install the new free solar panels would be paid by government programs and incentives as well as be compensated by the energy companies. Because most homes with solar make more power then they use, the energy companies get free power from us. Energy companies like PG&E or SMUD then sell that energy to other states for money that can be used to help pay the installers. I know that sounds expensive for the government and weird for energy companies; but think how much happier people would be! And we would also get bragging rights for the most efficient state!

My purpose for writing this  is to hopefully start a community discussion about solutions to alternative energy sources.

I want to thank you for your time reading this letter. I hope to hear back from you when you are not so busy.






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